Jeanette Lee
The more you learn, the less you know, but that’s the joy in it.
Josephine Teo
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. How you pick yourself up is what matters.
Lin Lin
When there's a will, there’ll always be a way.
Lydia Goh
Be open to tastes, and never be afraid to make mistakes.
Oscar Goh
Filter coffee, not people. Be true to yourself, as well as others.
Pamela Chng
A simple cup of coffee can bring people together, grow communities, and empower.
Rudel Balatbat
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
Sanny Paiman
Always look on the sunny side, embrace the warm rays, and let it shine.
Si Eu Koon
Be prepared to get your hands dirty.