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Sanny Paiman

Always look on the sunny side, embrace the warm rays, and let it shine.

Be it rain or clear skies, Sanny will always choose to be walking on sunshine. His love for coffee stemmed from young - the countless times he stole coffee from a big pot off his kitchen stove behind his siblings’ backs, just for a taste of his mother’s sweet home brewed kopi. His affinity with coffee grew, starting out as a barista at Starbucks. In 2017, he joined Bettr as a designer on the Marketing Communications team, at the same time, assisting the Retail team. In his 4th year, he discovered that his passion to share about coffee spans beyond the digital screen and made the switch to become a trainer.

“You’ll naturally learn better when you’re having fun.” Being a trainer, this great sense of fulfilment is what he truly enjoys, he says. In the long run, we’ll certainly see Sanny’s passion for coffee shine bigger and brighter, as he continues to bring fun learning into coffee!


Favourite drink: Tonic Espresso

Fun fact: I practise Brazilian Dance-Fight Martial Art, Capoeira