Q: What are you most proud of doing?
“One of my proudest moments in the last 2 years was really working alongside my team on the Social Programmes. I think the last 2 years have been particularly challenging for our beneficiaries, but we managed to support over 39 of them. At the end of the year, we saw all of them graduate and being able to come together physically at our graduation ceremony was one of the proudest achievements I felt. Especially since it has been a hybrid of virtually and physically meeting people, there were very few in-person meetings. Seeing everyone in the same space felt a little more concrete - a warm, fuzzy feeling that’s quite unexplainable.”
Q: If you're given a chance to have super powers, what would it be?
“I want to have the power of being able to manipulate time. 24 hours is not enough, I want to have 48 hours within a short span of time. I don’t need to go to the future, I don’t need to go to the past. I just want to make sure that whatever time I have in the present, I’m able to do everything very quickly - so if I’m able to do my 8 hours of work in 1 hour, I’ll do that, and then spend the rest of my day having fun!”
Q: What would you like to tell your 15 year old self?
“I used to be a very angry kid, I’ll just lie in bed, listen to my music and wallow in self pity. I think I’ll tell my 15 year old self to just keep doing what I’m doing, so long as you’re a good person, focus on overcoming the challenges and it’ll get better. As long as you keep at it, one day, you’ll be proud of who you are, doing the work that you do.”
Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
“Well, it’s a very important day that we celebrate as young women. I think being a Singaporean, I’ve been very lucky to receive compulsory education growing up, and also having a job, being able to enjoy the work that I’m doing. This is a privilege that has been given to me because of the context and place that I grew up in. What is important is to celebrate the successes of women all over the world and also to continue to remember our privilege, that this is not something all women get to experience - compulsory education, employment, because of cultural roots and opportunities in other countries. International Women’s Day really means alot to me in a sense - for one, I appreciate the privilege, and the other, is to continue doing the advocacy work for women and young girls around the world.”