"Hi, my name is Yuni from the HT24 batch. During the time I first heard about Bettr Barista, I was in search of hope. The program was my chance to trust again, to become a confident person.
Before joining the program, I was afraid of facing new challenges. I recall asking myself if I will be able to cope with meeting so many new people. Would I make it through so many unfamiliar tasks? That was me before Bettr Barista."

At the beginning of my Bettr Barista journey, I was devastated. Having little hope and not knowing if I will overcome this challenge made me very insecure. This insecurity made the first classes very challenging and I was constantly afraid that I would be overwhelmed.
Joining the motivated team though, I found myself learning new skills that I never expected to be good at, that I didn’t know existed. Working with an inspiring team on these new and exciting experiences was an uplifting motivation. It helped me persevere and trust in the process.
For me, life is about learning how to try again. Bettr Barista taught me this little by little. They do not push you; you have your own limits and they know and respect them. Feeling supported and guided while making progress helped me regain hope.
This journey changed me and how I approach new tasks and learning. Seeing how Bettr Barista changed my peer’s lives encouraged me to keep trying, to embrace new opportunities and learn from every new experience.
Since finishing the program, I just follow the flow of events and am calmer when new challenges are coming my way. I do not overthink as much as I used to and am more confident. It has been four months of great learning. They made me more comfortable to communicate more with others, which I now enjoy initiating on my own. It has become much easier to cope with meeting new people and tasks.
Feeling prepared, I am sure every challenge that I accept will be smoother and I will stress myself much less about it. Today, I believe that the most important thing is to believe that nothing is impossible. That is what Bettr Barista teaches you.
“For me, Bettr Barista is about learning how to try again. It even helped me to get from having nothing to having something.”